Chainmail Studio Chainmail Studio

Development Log #3

Another busy week! This week was spent adding in SFX and art updates. We’re in the home stretch to get the demo finalized. I believe we have a few more weeks of finishing everything up. From there, we’ll do some internal testing. Once that’s done, we’ll have a better idea of when the demo will be ready. Getting close!

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Chainmail Studio Chainmail Studio

Development Log #2

Made great progress this week with getting things ready for a playable demo!

  • The last two dungeons are now fully working. Just need an art pass to finish them up.

  • Worked on sounds slightly. When activating switches, you can now hear doors opening in the distance.

  • After some thought and feedback, traps will now be much deadlier.

  • Added the ability to change the difficulty when selecting dungeons. This option will unlock, once players have defeated The Warden. This will be in the demo only. For the full release, players will need to defeat the final boss.

  • Also updated the layout of the Intermission Screens, they will now display the player’s current Fame Level/Title and also the difficulty the dungeon was completed on.


New Intermission Screen layout with Fame Level/Titles and difficulty selection.

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Chainmail Studio Chainmail Studio

Development Log #1

Thought I’d start a development log, where I’ll highlight what I worked on during the previous week. The list will be small for awhile, as we finalize Episode 1 and get things ready for a playable demo.

  • Finished up the scripts for the Warden.

  • Scripted the ability for the player to animation cancel during attack animations. This will allow for faster dodges when coming out of attacks.

  • Also, one of the two dungeons that is needed to finish up the first episode is nearly complete!

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Chainmail Studio Chainmail Studio

Throwback Thursday


Here’s a look at the very first build of Throneborn from January 5, 2021! The white rectangle was the player and the red areas were walls. My first day of getting the game up and running had the player moving around in this room with collision set up on the walls.

Compare that first build with our most current build below!


The fight for this red key can get rather brutal and bloody!

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Chainmail Studio Chainmail Studio

The Warden

Made great progress with the first boss "The Warden". All of his main attacks and animations are now working. Just have a few art touch ups along with a few special attacks and he'll be ready! Once that's all in place, there are just two more levels to put together and we'll be done with content for episode 1 "The Archaic Prison"! News of a playable demo will be posted in the coming weeks.


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